Monday, July 20, 2009

Welcome to The Silver Agency!

Hello and welcome to The Silver Agency, a blog dedicated to the Silver Age of comic books. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, the Silver Age is regarded as the time period extending from the debut of the "new" Flash in Showcase #4, October 1956, until the infamous "death of Gwen Stacy" in Amazing Spider-Man #122, June 1973. (The actual end of the Silver Age has been a topic of debate amongst comic fans and historians, and will be addressed in more detail in a future post.)
In my posts, I hope to be able to share with my readers and fellow comic fans my love for the comics of my youth in a way that will also prove to be informative and, hopefully, entertaining as well. Topics will include issue and storyline reviews, creator profiles, debates, and character bios, plus loads of other stuff!

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to following and contributing to your blog. As you know, it's a topic of great interest to me.
